2 Incredible (Yet Different) Army Night Vision Technologies Used by the British and US

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The British and the US are modernizing their army night vision equipment, incorporating advanced technologies to enhance their capabilities on the battlefield.

This article compares the two technologies employed by these militaries, specifically focusing on the British Army’s MV-33 and the US Army’s Enhanced Night Vision Goggle-Binoculars (ENVG-B).

The information provided in this article is based on the content found in the two videos included in the article

British Army Night Vision: MV-33 Night Vision Goggles

The Army's NEW Night Vision Goggles 👀

The British Army is set to use the MV-33 army night vision goggles from next year. These binoculars are a significant improvement over the old monocle-style night vision goggles, which have been in service since the 90s.

Produced by Instro Precision and its parent company Elbit Systems, the MV-33 army night vision is lightweight, weighing only 10 grams more than the old monocle goggles. The binoculars provide a crisp, clear image, enabling soldiers to better identify targets and potential threats.

The MV-33 is designed with a binocular function that allows the user to operate with one or both eyes. It also features a tilt switch that activates sleep mode when not in use, conserving battery life.

The British Army version of the MV-33 will display a black and white (slightly blue) image, considered an improvement over the traditional green-tinted image.

It also boasts a 24-hour battery life, reducing the need to carry extra batteries during operations.

US Army Night Vision: Enhanced Night Vision Goggle-Binoculars (ENVG-B)

Watch how the Army is using augmented reality with night-vision goggles
Army Night Vision - Technology is rapidly progressing

The US Army is modernizing its night vision equipment with the introduction of the Enhanced Army Night Vision Goggle-Binoculars (ENVG-B), manufactured by Elbit Systems.

The ENVG-B army night vision uses white phosphor tubes, which are less straining on the eyes compared to the older green-tinted goggles. Binocular vision also improves depth perception for the user.

A key advancement of the ENVG-B army night vision is the incorporation of augmented reality (AR) technology.

This feature creates glowing white outlines, enhancing the visual experience for soldiers who are accustomed to video games with extensive in-field information.

The AR technology enables operators to relay information wirelessly to other platoon members, adjust brightness during daylight hours, and swap or combine low-light images with thermal images to reveal obscured objects or potential threats.

Similarities and Differences Between the Army Night Vision Technologies

Army Night Vision - Technology is rapidly progressing

The British MV-33 and the US ENVG-B share similarities in their lightweight designs, binocular functions, and improved image clarity. However, there are notable differences between the two systems.

The MV-33 features a black and white (slightly blue) image and a 24-hour battery life, while the ENVG-B army night vision uses white phosphor tubes and incorporates augmented reality technology.

Final Thoughts

Both the British and US armies are upgrading their night vision equipment to enhance soldiers’ capabilities on the battlefield. The MV-33 and ENVG-B offer significant improvements in image clarity, weight, and functionality compared to their predecessors, with the US Army’s ENVG-B also leveraging augmented reality for an advanced battlefield experience.


[1] Forces News, “British Army to Get New MV-33 Night Vision Goggles | Forces TV,” YouTube, 18 April 2023, [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Video1] (accessed 18 April 2023).

[2] Forces News, “US Army Tests Enhanced Night Vision Goggle-Binoculars (ENVG-B) | Forces TV,” YouTube, 18 April 2023, [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Video2] (accessed 18 April 2023).

[1] Department of the Army Night Vision Lab Devices Branch, Fort Rucker, Alabama, Memorandum for Record, “NVG Compatible Supplemental Lighting,” 14 March 2012.

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